Monday, September 26, 2011

"Frazetta: Painting With Fire"

I used to be such a fan of his as a kid! Frank Frazetta was the man! He dominated the fantasy art genre and my young life with images of savage warriors, curvaceous slave women and buxom princesses, alien creatures... My walls were covered with his work!

In this documentary, we journey through his life and see his family, his friends, his loves, his fans, his impact, and we see how he learned to draw left handed at 70 after having a stroke!

Interviews include Bernie Wrightson, Dave Stevens, William Stout, Neal Adams, Al Williamson, Forrest Ackerman, Ralph Bakshi, John Milius, Glenn Danzig, Bo Derek, Brom, Simon Bisley, and Joe Jusko.

If you're like me and used to buy paperback books because you recognized his art on the cover, or wanted to paint like him, you need to see this film!

The real Frank Frazetta Tribute from GuTispel on Vimeo.

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