Saturday, September 10, 2011

"The Secret: Evidence We Are Not Alone"

The central basis of "The Secret: Evidence We Are Not Alone" is the content of government documents and the amazing story they tell. This is interesting, as UFO documentaries usually deal with eyewitness testimonies and we all know how useless humans can be.

This is the story of how these documents, using forensic techniques are proven genuine by type and age of paper, ink age, watermark, type fonts, classification stamps and markings prove that we have been recovering crashed flying saucers since 1941.

This isn't the same old rehash of Roswell crap, it shows evidence that the first crash of a UFO was in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941. I believe the same town and time Rush Limbaugh was born, but I could be wrong. This documentary has Stanton Friedman, Timothy Good, Michael Lindemann and others.

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